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Skidmore College
Office of Student Diversity 项目

项目 and Services 

Weekly OSDP Open Hours for Students
During the academic year, OSDP hosts open hours for students.

联系 with any questions.


Implicit Bias Online Training Modules
This course will introduce you to insights about how our minds operate and help you understand the origins of implicit associations. You will also uncover some of your own biases and learn strategies for addressing them. Each module is divided into a short series of lessons, many taking less than 10 minutes to complete. That way, even if you’re pressed for time, you can complete the lessons and modules at your convenience.
Brought to you by the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University.

Trauma-Informed Care: Creating Environments of Resiliency and Hope
This session emphasizes how trauma-informed care includes acknowledging racial trauma like racial implicit biases and microaggressions.
Brought to you by the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity at The Ohio State University.

OSDP Peer Mentor Program
The OSDP Mentor Program is for students of color, students who identify as LGBTQ+, international students, and students who have these intersecting identities here at Skidmore College. This program focuses on providing experiences, information, and resources related to student success at Skidmore and beyond. OSDP Peer Mentors (upperclass Skidmore students) and Mentees (first-year Skidmore students) will engage in a variety of activities focused on assisting first-year students in their transition to college and helping current Skidmore students with further developing their leadership skills.

OSDP 新闻letter sign up
The OSDP newsletter helps members to stay informed about diversity-related events and opportunities on campus and within the community. If you wish to be added to the listserv, please email or enter your email in the field below.