
火博体育定义了一个 偏差事件 as an act of bigotry, harassment, or intimidation involving a member of the Skidmore community that a reasonable person would conclude is directed at a member or group within the Skidmore community based on race, color, ethnicity, nationality, economic background, age, physical and mental health or ability, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity or expression, marital status, veteran status, or religious practice. 一种偏见 事件 can occur whether the act is intentional or unintentional. Speech or expression that is consistent with the principles of academic freedom does not constitute a bias 事件."

  • Creating community responsibility and involvement
  • Building an environment of mutual respect through education and dialogue
  • Fostering an understanding of bias and its effects
  • Responding 对偏见事件 and hate crimes on campus

Give more, respect more, Skidmore

Created in 2007, the 偏见反应组 (BRG) grew out of Skidmore’s determination to foster an inclusive climate on campus after a series of 事件s on campus and several campus-wide conversations calling for a formalized policy and protocol related 对偏见事件. The IPPC sub-committee is charged with responding to reported 偏差事件s by outlining the procedures and resources available to members of the campus community and by working with individuals, offices and organizations to develop programs aimed at eliminating harassment and discrimination directed against any member of the Skidmore community. 偏见反应 Group is not responsible for investigation or disciplinary action.

We remind all members of our community that it is our collective responsibility to make Skidmore a place where all people and points of view are truly respected.

Diversity and Inclusion at 火博体育大学

火博体育大学 is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive community in which members develop their abilities to live in a complex and interconnected world. Consistent with our educational mission, we recognize ourselves as a community that respects individual identities based on varying sociocultural characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, national origin, first language, religious and spiritual tradition, age, ability, socioeconomic status, and learning style. We strive to create a socially just world that honors the dignity and worth of each individual, and we seek to build a community centered on mutual respect and openness to ideas—one in which individuals value cultural and intellectual diversity and share the responsibility for creating a welcoming, safe, and inclusive environment. We recognize that our community is most inclusive when all members participate to their full capacity in the spirited, and sometimes challenging, conversations that are at the center of the College’s educational mission.